Kado saves you time and makes digging easy again

Do you spend hours every week hunting for new tracks? KADO will help by providing high quality recommendations sourced from other DJs around the world  - and custom tailor those results to fit your music style. 


Drop a track into the Kado app from your computer and Kado will match it against its library of millions of tracks.

By analyzing over 500,000 DJ sets, Kado will tell you which tracks other DJs played after or before your track.
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Preview the tracks that Kado suggests right inside the app. Add them to your crate or download them using Kado's smart download links.

The ultimate music discovery tool for DJs


Dig Deeper With Every Track

Drop a track into Kado to start your next adventure. Kado suggests similar tracks and you can dig deeper into the artists, labels and DJs in the results.

Get Personalized Recommendations

Kado gets to know your DJing style and gives you personalized track recommendations everyday from DJs, labels and artists similar to you.

See What's Hot Right Now

Check out the trending tracks played by DJs across the globe every weeky House, Deep House, Tech House, Techno and over 20 other genres.


Here's what DJs say about Kado

DJ Ean Golden -  Professional Traktor DJ -"I only play a few sets per month and find myself spending 6 hours prepping for a single 2 hour set. Kado has cut that time down by at least half and made me excited to play out more."

DJ Ean Golden -  Professional Traktor DJ -

"I only play a few sets per month and find myself spending 6 hours prepping for a single 2 hour set. Kado has cut that time down by at least half and made me excited to play out more."

DJ MALIK - Part time DJ Plays a few times month -“It works great!  Excellent piece of software.  I love having a clean way to get off the Beatport Top 100 lists.” 

DJ MALIK - Part time DJ Plays a few times month -

“It works great!  Excellent piece of software.  I love having a clean way to get off the Beatport Top 100 lists.” 

Neil  - Bedroom DJ who plays mainly at home - "Out of the recommendations i would say at least three were absolute killer, and i went and purchased them. Start with my own track, find a recommendation i like, drop that into the search and …

Neil  - Bedroom DJ who plays mainly at home - 

"Out of the recommendations i would say at least three were absolute killer, and i went and purchased them. Start with my own track, find a recommendation i like, drop that into the search and repeat. Very enjoyable.”

“Holy crap this is amazing!!!!!!!!! I am instantly in love!!”
— Ryan M. Kado Alpha Tester
It’s an addicting way to dig for tracks – you get the feeling that an amazing new floorfiller for your collection could be just one click away.
— Dan White - Editor / DJ TechTools
It’s a really clever idea. Rather than rely on things like key and BPM, they’re making use of more flexible human elements first and foremost.
— Dan Morse / DJ Worx
We think this is an intriguing new entrant into this area... You could construct a set pretty quickly in a genre you knew nothing about using this
— Digital DJ Tips
I really enjoyed the experience, the app sits nicely in my workflow - Kado > Mixed in Key > Platinum Notes > iTunes > Traktor
— Neil Oughton / Kado Beta Tester